Door Hinge
When I was a kid, orange was always my favorite flavor. And for a short while, color, too. Between Ecto Cooler, Flintstones Push Pops, Nickelodeon and about 97 GI Joe’s adorned in orange, it’s kinda easy to see why. It’s still a favorite color of mine and just reminds me of summer, the aforementioned Ecto Cooler (and in turn, Ghostbusters), and sometimes Halloween. I didn’t know you could have a comfort color but here we are. For better or worse, I love orange. And I think orange loves me? Ok perhaps that’s a little much. I think I’m so used to writing in hyperbole that sometimes I forget I don’t need to be “on”. Anyway, orange is great. Maybe we all need to embrace more warm, happy, positive “comfort colors”. Who knows, maybe we WERE on to something with all that neon madness in the late 80s/early 90s after all. Idk, I’m not an expert on colors and moods, but I can tell you from experience that orange is pretty awesome and will always bring a smile to my face. -Chad